Soil sample was collected at Cullinan Park in Sugar Land. The sample was taken from the side of a walking trail. It had rained heavily the day before and slightly the morning of, so the ground was completely wet. An 8-9in hole was dug, and the sample was collected from the bottom of the hole. After the soil sample was collected, one gram of the sample was added to LB broth to grow any bacteria that may be in the sample. After one week of incubation, the sample went through pesticide treatments to kill off any non-OPD bacteria, and the samples were again incubated for one week. This process continued for four more weeks. After five weeks, there were degradative indicators in the Px, so those samples were plated. There was not much growth on the plate, however, there was one colony that showed evidence of OP hydrolysis with the presence of a halo around the colony. All other colonies did not show this, which indicates only tolerance.
2021 Fall - UH - Wed - Christina M Cheriyan
Data for Soil Sample and Researcher
Location of Soil Sample
Cullinin Park, Highway 6, Sugar Land, TX 77498, United States, 29.635572, -95.660848
Collection Date of Soil Sample
Colonies of Paraoxon
Colonies of Methyl Parathion
Christina M Cheriyan
University of Houston
Lab Day
Course Term
Year of Course
Extended Analysis Results