2021 Spring - UH - Wed - Phu Huynh


Week 0: Soil was collected during the afternoon around 05:15 PM. The weather was partly cloudy with a moderate air quality (60), 20% chance of rain, 58% humidity, 75°F in temperature, the pressure of 29.79 mmHg, SW wind of 60 mph. The location of the collection was Channelview, TX 7753. 1 g of soil sample was measured and inoculated into an 8mL LB media in an empty 14 mL culture tube. The tube was inoculated for a week at 30°С and 200 rpm. Observation: The tube was brown and opaque with black precipitate at the bottom of the tube. Week 1:Four tubes were labeled CSM+Px, CSM+MP, SSM+Px, and SSM+MP. In CSM+Px tube, 1 mL of soil inoculate and 4 mL minimal media CSM with 5µL Paraoxon. In CSM+MP, 1 mL of soil inoculate and 4 mL minimal media CSM with5µL Methyl Parathion. In SSM+Px tube, 1 mL of soil inoculate and 4 mL minimal media SSM with 5µL Paraoxon. In SSM+MP tube, 1 mL of soil inoculate and 4 mL minimal media SSM with 5µL Methyl Parathion. Four tubes were incubated at 30°С and 120 rpm for 1 week. Observation: The solution in the SSM+MP tube was slightly opaque with a pale yellow color. The solution in the CSM+MP tube was clear with a pale yellow color. The solution in the SSM+Px tube was opaque with a dark yellow/orange color. The solution in the CSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color. Week 2:Four tubes were labeled as done the previous week. In each tube, 5 mL of media with 5µL pesticide were added respectively to the name of the tube. In each tube, 200µL of the previous week’s inoculation were added aseptically to the corresponding current week’s tube. The tubes were incubated at 30°C and 200 rpm for one week. Observation: The solution in the SSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the SSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color. The solution in the CSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color. Week 3:Four tubes were labeled as done the previous week. In each tube, 5 mL of media with 5µL pesticide were added respectively to the name of the tube. In each tube, 200µL of the previous week’s inoculation were added aseptically to the corresponding current week’s tube. The tubes were incubated at 30°C and 200 rpm for one week. Observation: The solution in the SSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the SSM+Px tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color. Week 4:Four tubes were labeled as done the previous week. In each tube, 5 mL of media with 5µL pesticide were added respectively to the name of the tube. In each tube, 200µL of the previous week’s inoculation were added aseptically to the corresponding current week’s tube. The tubes were incubated at 30°C and 200 rpm for one week. Observation: The solution in the SSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the SSM+Px tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color. Week 5:Four tubes were labeled as done the previous week. In each tube, 5 mL of media with 5µL pesticide were added respectively to the name of the tube. In each tube, 200µL of the previous week’s inoculation were added aseptically to the corresponding current week’s tube. The tubes were incubated at 30°C and 200 rpm for one week. Observation: The solution in the SSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+MP tube was clear with no color. The solution in the SSM+Px tube was clear with no color. The solution in the CSM+Px tube was clear with a pale yellow color.

Data for Soil Sample and Researcher
Location of Soil Sample
Channelview, Market St., Channelview, TX 77530, United States, 29.792555, -95.07174
Collection Date of Soil Sample
Colonies of Paraoxon
Colonies of Methyl Parathion
Phu Huynh
University of Houston
Lab Day
Course Term
Year of Course
Images for Soil Sample
Extended Analysis Results