Cricket Ground Soil Sample Analysis


This soil sample was collected on June 8th from a location with coordinates approximately at latitude 29.5538094 and longitude -96.0079769. The sample is intended for analysis to identify bacteria that can survive in the presence of paraxon or methyl parathion. These compounds are organophosphate pesticides known for their toxicity and environmental persistence. The surrounding environment includes a cricket field located in the middle of farmland, where frequent cricket matches are held, potentially contributing to the presence of diverse microbial communities. The sample will be used to study the potential for bioremediation of these pesticides by isolating and identifying resilient bacterial strains.

Data for Soil Sample and Researcher
Location of Soil Sample
1105 Williams Rd, East Bernard, TX 77435, USA, 1105 Williams Road, East Bernard, Texas 77435, United States, 29.553809, -96.007977
Collection Date of Soil Sample
Colonies of Paraoxon
Colonies of Methyl Parathion
Rajankumar Bhakta
University of Houston
Lab Day
Time of Lab
4:00 PM
Course Term
Year of Course
Images for Soil Sample
Image Descriptions in General
  1. Lab Images:
    • Image 1: Location where the soil sample was collected.
    • Image 2: Soil sample being weighed.
    • Image 3: Soil sample transferred into liquid media.
  2. Field and Experiment Images:
    • Image 1: Observation of the sample after one week.
    • Image 2: Transfer of the sample from liquid media into four different tubes (CSM MP, CSM PX, SSM MP, SSM PX).
    • Images 3-5: Weekly transfer of 200 microliters of the sample from the previous week to new tubes with the same labels, up to the 5th week.
    • Image 6: Final observation in week 5 showing bacterial survival in SSM MP and CSM MP.
    • Image 7: Agar plate showing an over growth in Px pesticide.
    • Image 8: Agar plate showing an over growth in MP pesticide.

* The results might not be very clear because the image section only accepts less than 500kb images, so the image has to be crop down to less than 500kb in order to submit the result pictures*

Extended Analysis Results