2018 Fall - UH - None - Hwan Kim - East Fork Patrick Bayou


The collected soil sample that I have provided was obtained at the coordinates 29.7238200, -95.1137860 on August 28, 2018 at 12:41PM on a sunny day. The collected sample was taken from the East Fork Patrick Bayou nearby the Buffalo Bayou. The sample was retrieved from an 8-12 inch hole along the bank of the bayou. For week 0, 1.05g of the sample is initially inoculated into an enriched media then for week 1-5 200µL of the previous week’s inoculation culture is added to separate minimal media tubes containing Carbon Selective Media with Paraoxon, Carbon Selective Media with Methyl Parathion, Sulfur Selective Media with Paraoxon, and Sulfur Selective Media with Methyl Parathion. The best indicator for the metabolism of pesticides is then inoculated onto the enriched media for bacteria revitalization then 100μL of the enriched media with bacteria is plated onto a minimal media with MP. The plated sample is then analyzed to confirm that the bacteria is able to tolerate the Methyl Parathion compounds, but not degrade it.

Data for Soil Sample and Researcher
Location of Soil Sample
East Fork Patrick Bayou, Tidal Rd, Houston, TX 77015, United States, 29.72382, -95.113786
Collection Date of Soil Sample
Colonies of Paraoxon
Colonies of Methyl Parathion
Hwan Kim
University of Houston
Lab Day
Course Term
Year of Course
Images for Soil Sample