2024 Summer - UH - Not Yet Classified - Tristan Laygan


Soil collected 6 inches beneath the surface of a dirt patch behind trail bench beneath the Jackson Hill Bridge, over the Buffalo Bayou Park; sample taken here because this location is immediately north (behind) a restaurant and the connected public parking lot, a likely spot for pesticides against mosquitos thriving in the bayou.

At least up to Week 6, minimal media & MP pesticide w/ sample cultures appeared to show some very light yellow coloration which suggests the presence of an OPD microorganism. Despite this, further plating of the revitalized sample cultures on agar & pesticide media presented overgrowth so such OPD presence remains unclear.

Data for Soil Sample and Researcher
Location of Soil Sample
29.7615955,-95.4017782, 3422 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77007, United States, 29.761596, -95.401778
Collection Date of Soil Sample
Colonies of Paraoxon
Colonies of Methyl Parathion
Tristan Laygan
University of Houston
Lab Day
Time of Lab
4:00 PM
Course Term
Year of Course
Images for Soil Sample
Image Descriptions in General

Page 3: Week 0 – June 10th

Page 7: Week 4 – July 15th
*July 8th, 2024 = Hurricane Beryl hits all of Houston, shuts down campus for that week

Page 9: Week 6 – July 29th
+Relative to other tubes in the image, CSM-MP and SSM-MP tubes exhibit some light yellow coloration for p-nitrophenol presence; assumed PNP presence likely indicative of some OPD microorganism reacting with MP

Page 10: MP Plate w/ Overgrowth – August 5th
+Overgrowth most observable right below top finger; pay attention to the way the agar becomes evenly occluded there. This even occlusion of material is present throughout the whole of both this MP plate and the Px plate pictured on the final page

Extended Analysis Results